Materi Kuliah Ekologi
Ekologi berkaitan erat dengan genetika, fisiologi, perilaku, dan evolusi.
Fields of Ecology
- Behaviour ecology
- Physiological ecology
- Evolutionary ecology
- Molecular ecology
Branches of Ecology
Many other ways to subdivide ecology,
- Taxonomic: plant ecology, animal ecology, microbial ecology, avian ecology, etc.
- Time/Place: marine ecology, tropical ecology, freshwater ecology, paleo ecology
- Processes: behavioral ecology, physiological ecology, evolutionary ecology
Beyond Fundamental Ecology
Applied Ecology : Using ecological principles to maintain conditions necessary for the continuation of present day life on earth.Industrial Ecology : The design of the industrial infrastructure such that it consists of a series of interlocking "technological ecosystems" interfacing with global natural ecosystems. Industrial ecology takes the pattern and processes of natural ecosystems as a design for sustainability. It represents a shift in paradigm from conquering nature to becoming nature.
Ecological Engineering : Unlike industrial ecology, the focus of Ecological Engineering is on the manipulation of natural ecosystems by humans for our purposes, using small amounts of supplemental energy to control systems in which the main energy drives are still coming from non-human sources. It is the design of new ecosystems for human purposes, using the self-organizing principles of natural ecosystems.
(Note: The popular definition of ecological engineering is "the design of human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both.")
Ecological Economics : Integrating ecology and economics in such a way that economic and environmental policies are reinforcing rather than mutually destructive.
Urban ecology : For ecologists, urban ecology is the study of ecology in urban areas, specifically the relationships, interactions, types and numbers of species found in urban habitats. Also, the design of sustainable cities, urban design programs that incorporate political, infrastructure and economic considerations.
Conservartion Biology : The application of diverse fields and disciplines to the conservation of biological diversity.
Restoration Biology : Appllication of ecosystem ecology to the restoration of deteriorated landscapes in an attempt to bring it back to its original state as much as possible.
Ekologi dibedakan menjadi :
Autekologi yaitu studi individual organisme
•Sejarah hidup•Adaptasi individu terhadap lingkungan
Sinekologi yaitu studi populasi, komunitas, ekosistem
•kelompok organisme yang tergabung dalam satu kesatuan dan saling berinteraksi dalam daerah tertentu disebut pola distribusiEcology today
Aplikasi ekologi pada
• Perubahan lingkungan global• Konservasi biodiversitas
• Strategi untuk sistem ekologis yang berkelanjutan
Ecology as system
Ekologi memiliki 3 levels• Individu
• Populasi
• Komunitas => lingkungan => ekosistem => Biosphere
Interaksi dalam ekosistem
Clements memiliki 3 tipe interaksi dalam ekosistem• Aksi
• Reaksi
• Koaksi
Basic problems and approaches
Studi ekologi dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan:
- Deskriptif → mainly natural history, dan mendeskripsikan grup vegetasi di dunia, dan hewan dan tumbuhan dan interaksinya dalam suatu ekosistem.
- Fungsional → mempelajari proximate causes, respon populasi dan komunitas terhadap faktor lingkungan dan bagaimana suatu sistem beroperasi
- Evolusioner organisme sebagai hasil evolusi Ultimate cause, alasan historis mengapa seleksi alam → adaptasi
Masalah dasar dalam ekologi adalah menentukan penyebab dari distribusi dan kemelimpahan organisme.
Distribusi dan kemelimpahan → reverse sides of the same coin, faktor yang mempengaruhi distribusi juga mempengaruhi kemelimpahan.
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Makasih bgt bro info nya, sangat bermanfaat buat saya. hehe
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