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Download ebook "Concepts in Biology" by Eldon D. Enger, Frederick C. Ross, David B. Bailey
Written By profitgoonline on Sabtu, 07 April 2012 | 00.50
Kali ini ane nyediain link download buku "Concepts in Biology" by Eldon D. Enger, Frederick C. Ross, David B. Bailey. Buku ini merupakan buku yg memuat konsep2 penting biologi, serta materi biologi dari A-Z, seperti campbell, raven dan solomon. dikarang oleh Eldon D. Enger, Frederick C. Ross, David B. Bailey., yg semua itu merupakan penulis (ya iyalah...). Bukunya tergolong baru karna terbitnya th. 2012. Deskripisi buku, agan2 lihat di bawah ini...
2012 | ISBN: 0073403466 9780073403465 | 707 pages | PDF | 117.84 MB
The origin of this book remains deeply rooted in our concern for the education of collegestudents in the field of biology. This edition is useful, interesting, and engaging to studentswhile introducing them to the core concepts and current state of the science.
Brief Contents
PART I Introduction
1 What Is Biology?
PART II Cornerstones: Chemistry, Cells, and Metabolism
2 The Basics of Life: Chemistry
3 Organic Molecules The Molecules of Life
4 Cell Structure and Function
5 Enzymes, Coenzymes, and Energy
6 Biochemical Pathways Cellular Respiration
7 Biochemical Pathways Photosynthesis
PART III Molecular Biology, Cell Division, and Genetics
8 DNA and RNA: The Molecular Basis of Heredity
9 Cell Division Proliferation and Reproduction
10 Patterns of Inheritance
11 Applications of Biotechnology
PART IV Evolution and Ecology
12 Diversity Within Species and Population Genetics
13 Evolution and Natural Selection
14 The Formation of Species and Evolutionary Change
15 Ecosystem Dynamics: The Flow of Energy and Matter
16 Community Interactions
17 Population Ecology
18 Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects of Behavior
PART V The Origin and Classification of Life
19 The Origin of Life and the Evolution of Cells
20 The Classification and Evolution of Organisms
21 The Nature of Microorganisms
22 The Plant Kingdom
23 The Animal Kingdom
PART VI Physiological Processes
24 Materials Exchange in the Body
25 Nutrition: Food and Diet
26 The Body's Control Mechanisms and Immunity
27 Human Reproduction, Sex, and Sexuality
Link download (TORRENT)
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