Kalo yang kemaren ane ngasih yang doenload campbell edisi 8... sekarang ane ngasih yang edisi lebih baru lagi... edisi 9!... Diperkaya dengan ilustrasi yang lebih banyak serta gambar2 yang dapat memperjelas isi buku ini... untuk apa yang baru... silahkan liat video berikut ini
Deskripsi buku:
Helping Students Make Connections Across Biology
Campbell BIOLOGY is the unsurpassed leader in introductory biology. The text’s hallmark values—accuracy, currency, and passion for teaching and learning—have made it the most successful college introductory biology book for eight consecutive editions.
Building on the Key Concepts chapter framework of previous editions, Campbell BIOLOGY, Ninth Edition helps students keep sight of the “big picture” by encouraging them to:
- Make connections across chapters in the text, from molecules to ecosystems, with new Make Connections Questions
- Make connections between classroom learning, research breakthroughs, and the real world with new Impact Figures
- Make connections to the overarching theme of evolution in every chapter with new Evolution sections
- Make connections at a higher cognitive level through new Summary of Key Concepts Questions and Write About a Theme Questions
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